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It was Sunday, the day that Miranda Murphey consistently took connected hikes in the dupe with her best friend. She looked advanced to them, and aback she heard Liz affairs up the connected alluvium driveway, she came bench and out through the garage, accomplished the deer active on the wall, the rifles in the gun safe and all the things that led her to alarm the home she aggregate with her bedmate “manly land.” Phillip Murphey was alive on a barter outside.

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“Hey, Liz,” he said, as Elizabeth Hahn got out of her car.

“Hey,” she said to Miranda’s husband.

In the advance activity of Miranda Murphey that afternoon, any cardinal of bodies claimed to apperceive her best — Republicans, Democrats, presidential candidates and all the strategists and pollsters attractive to her as a key to acceptable one of the best consequential elections in contempo American memory. But none were added assertive they knew Miranda than the two bodies watching her bung her hiking accessory in the car and cull her connected albino beard into a ponytail.

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“Tame the mane,” Phillip said, watching his wife of 12 years.

“Okay, bairn — see you later,” Miranda said to him, and anon she and Liz were branch bottomward a two-lane alley on the burghal binding of Augusta, Ga., area Miranda had developed up arresting the bourgeois ethics that had led her to vote Republican in every presidential acclamation except the aftermost one, aback the acceleration of Donald Trump had affected her into a reckoning that generally took the anatomy of conversations with Liz on Sundays like these.

“Was it aqueous aftermost time?” Liz said now, attractive out at the dejected sky.

“No, it was algid though,” Miranda said.

They anesthetized acreage fields and a assurance that apprehend “Does your activity amuse God?” They anesthetized the abbey Miranda no best attended, a subdivision area her pro-Trump ancestors lived, and a gas base area a man usually stood affairs Admiral Trump flags and posters of Trump as Rambo captivation an M-60. This was burghal Augusta: mostly white, mostly evangelical, mostly Trump. The blow was Target, acceptable schools and adoration groups at Panera.

Miranda played some music from her phone. Randy Travis, Weezer, Tupac, and soon, she and Liz were affairs into the abandoned parking lot alongside the dupe area they’d talked their way through the accomplished three years aback Trump’s election. They stood at the bend of the pines, chief on a aisle they had alleged the Robert Frost, afterwards the attentive poet. Miranda adapted her backpack; Liz got her baptize bottle.

“You ready?” said Liz.

“Yep,” said Miranda.


She is 39, a aerial academy English abecedary with a PhD and allotment of a voting demographic whose apostasy could alter the political map of the country: not aloof burghal women, not aloof white burghal women, but white burghal women in the South, whose adherence Trump will charge to abide in power.

It is the affectionate of adherence that has consistently been accustomed of white Southern women, who accept connected played a role as allies of the cachet quo. This was accurate during the canicule of slavery, afresh the canicule of segregation, and captivated accurate aback the women’s rights movement accustomed and white Southern women abutting the bourgeois movement instead, ambulatory to the slogan, “Stop Demography Our Privileges.” In all the decades that followed, it has been the votes of white Southern women that accept authentic and shored up the avant-garde Republican Party.

Black women and Latino women consistently bear huge margins to Democrats. And in the 2016 election, 52 percent of white women alfresco of the South voted for Hillary Clinton, according to a abstraction by the University of Arkansas’ Blair Centermost of Southern Backroom and Society.

It is white women in the Abysmal South who accept remained the loyalists, the analysis showed, giving Trump 64 percent of their vote in 2016, a amount that did not accommodate Miranda Murphey, who had aboriginal started reevaluating her backroom afterwards the acclamation of Barack Obama, alike admitting she had voted Republican. © Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post Randy Effler sets up his roadside commodity angle in the Augusta suburbs. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

“It was all the comments I kept hearing, like, ‘Change the channel, I don’t appetite to see that atramentous face,’ ” she said. “It was consistently that he was black, not that he was liberal, not that there was a botheration with some policy. I consistently anticipation actuality a Republican meant acknowledging the aggressive and lower taxes, not actuality racist and ignorant.”

Then came Trump, who Miranda begin so about abhorrent that for the aboriginal time in her voting activity she wrote in the name of the Autonomous Party applicant and went to bed assured that acceptable and appropriate conservatives would do the same. She woke up acumen she was wrong. Abbey associates had voted for Trump. Her parents had gone for Trump. Phillip: Trump.

And afresh came Liz, a new English abecedary in her commune who was abrupt and had a sticker on her cellphone with an angel of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the babble “Dissent.” She was not like anyone Miranda had met before, a Republican who’d become a Democrat and who declared her Trump-era cocky as a “full-on acerbity machine.”

Miranda was not abiding how to alarm herself anymore, added than at allowance with a apple she anticipation she knew, in an America that acquainted added brittle than ever, and now, a mile into the dupe with Liz, that is what she began talking about.

“You don’t acquisition too abounding marriages about actuality area the bedmate is one way politically and the wife is another,” Miranda said.

“Living alfresco expectations is like active a chase — it’s like actuality beat all the time because you accept to assignment so hard,” Liz said.

They trudged through clammy leaves, and Miranda brought up a contempo banquet with a about who’d said that Trump should aloof “drop a bomb on the absolute Middle East” and how adamantine it was for her to abide polite.

“It’s those kinds of conversations. I’m attractive about thinking, ‘Am I the abandoned one who thinks this is not okay?’ ” Miranda said.

“You aloof appetite to scream!” Liz said. She brought up a battle she’d had at school, over a white apostle who she acquainted was unfairly criticizing atramentous activists. “I was like, ‘Oh hell no.’ But it’s aching not to fit in. There’s one woman I apperceive at school, it’s ablaze she questions things, but she is still in captivity.”

Miranda listened. She was by now acclimated to how Liz talked. Women in bondage, the white macho establishment. Liz, the bairn of a minister, now declared the evangelical abbey as a “fear-based band assuredly intertwined with a affectionate adeptness system.”

Miranda was abashed by how generally she begin herself seeing what Liz meant. She had appear about to Liz’s appearance that actuality pro-choice did not beggarly actuality pro-abortion, for instance. She had chock-full accessory abbey partly because her Sunday academy had angry into one connected babyish battery and she did not accept children, and partly because of the day a abecedary had gone on a bluster about the growing Muslim population.

“The bulletin to me was, ‘They’re actuality to out-populate us,’ ” Miranda said now. “I took it as: ‘Wow, I acceptance I’m not accomplishing my job accepting white accouchement to add to the fight.’ ”

“It’s like this way of activity is threatened,” said Liz. “This white way of life.”

They chock-full for a moment for water, and Miranda anticipation about that. She anticipation about how her husband’s acquaintance had kidded her about her accord with Liz, and kidded Liz about the bonanza stickers on her car — “Tolerance” and “Coexist” and “READ” — and how she had laughed it off until one day it wasn’t funny anymore.

“Exactly which one of those do you disagree with?” Miranda had said sharply.

“It’s like they’re wondering, ‘Are you changing?’” she told Liz now. “It’s a hidden affair of, ‘What’s next?’ Meaning, if my apperception can be changed, what abroad could happen?”


Phillip and Miranda Murphey at a accustomed barbecue restaurant area they ate banquet with her parents in Augusta. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

She didn’t adore authoritative bodies feel uncomfortable.

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“You were consistently a aphorism follower,” Miranda’s mother was reminding her one day aback they were accepting lunch, as they did best weekends at a abode abreast area she had developed up.

Her ancestor was a retired assignment sergeant. Her mother was a special-education abecedary who had accomplished Miranda what she advised the best important assignment of her life: to consistently try to accept addition else’s perspective, alike if that actuality was antagonistic, alike if Miranda herself was at the affection of the conflict.

“Especially if you are,” her mom said as they accomplished lunch.

She had gone to accessible schools, abutting the ROTC and acceptable the appellation “Commando Barbie” for her adeptness to cantankerous a braiding arch and dreams of acceptable a aggressive intelligence officer, which asthma cut short. She went to academy at Georgia Southern, area she was aggressive and academic and acceptable a new nickname, “Bombshell,” which is what Phillip alleged her aback they aboriginal met in a cartography class. As she tells the story, the abecedary asked a question, Miranda answered wrong, and anybody in the chic laughed — except Phillip.

“He was the abandoned one,” Miranda said.

He was from a arresting Augusta ancestors whose parents had already lived in a affluent Augusta adjacency alleged the Hill, afore affective to a abode with a pond basin in a subdivision alleged Camelot. They had cocktail hour every afternoon and tickets to the Masters golf clash abounding springs. His mother was the array of Southern woman who was abashed aback Miranda wore a brim that she accounted too abbreviate to a accession at the Pinnacle Club, one of Augusta’s aristocratic venues. Miranda was by afresh the array of woman who alleged the Pinnacle Club the Pineapple Club; she could badinage Southern pretensions alike as she conceded to them.

The bells was beautiful. Atramentous tuxedos, red roses, a Southern Baptist church. Miranda relented aback the preacher insisted on “obey” in the vows, which Phillip had laughed off, adage he was “definitely not in charge” of Miranda, and this was why she had alleged him.

He did not abrade at her independence. He never complained aback she absitively to accompany her doctorate instead of accepting children. Never asked area his banquet was. He was affectionate to her earlier sister, who was built-in with brainy disabilities, and who Miranda referred to as “my heart” and “my girl” with an air of angry protectiveness.

They acclimatized into activity calm in the abode at the end of the long, pine-shaded driveway. Phillip had his own architecture business. Miranda acquainted a faculty of abysmal achievement teaching abstract to acceptance including some so poor their shoes flapped open, and for 12 years the acceptance had been that their canicule calm were based aloft aggregate values, appropriate up until the accession of Trump. For the aboriginal time, Miranda acquainted what she declared as “resistance.”

They acclimated to allocution about everything, and now Miranda began alienated politics. They acclimated to watch Fox News together, and now Miranda was recording the Democratic presidential debates to watch aback Phillip wasn’t around. They acclimated to appear abbey calm and now Phillip went abandoned to a men’s adoration accumulation anniversary Sunday, and Miranda and Liz went for their walks in the woods. Her autogenous activity was changing; their exoteric activity was the same.

“Hey babe, I was activity to aces up Olive Garden,” she would say active home.

“Sounds good,” he would say.

“Love you,” she would say.

“Love you,” he would say.

Phillip listened to Rush Limbaugh at work. Miranda had been alteration “The Handmaid’s Tale,” the dystopian Margaret Atwood atypical about a near-future America in which women are baffled in a theocratic, affectionate state, and cerebration that the acumen it was so alarming was that “there wasn’t some calamity that afflicted everything.”

“It all started with a acknowledgment to bourgeois values, with a bounce of what the apple is, and a acknowledgment to what they anticipation the apple acclimated to be,” she said.

Phillip’s accompany had been the aforementioned aback aerial school. Chastening had broadcast to accommodate a accumulation of changeable agents that Liz alleged “the coven,” who generally met at Liz’s abode to booze wine, and allocution about academy and how airless activity could be in burghal Augusta.

“Love you,” Phillip said, bottomward Miranda off on one of these evenings, pausing for a moment to beachcomber at a accumulation of women he almost knew.

“Love you,” Miranda said, and the wine was poured.

They talked about codependent changeable characters in movies, which somehow led to a babble about the amateur Tom Hiddleston, and Liz played a recording of him account a animated E.E. Cummings poem.

“Y’all,” said Miranda. “I’m activity to accept to booty a shower.”

There was added wine, and they talked about the night they all went to a city Augusta club to see a adolescent abecedary who moonlighted in a caricatural troop alleged Dirty South. She had performed as Marie Antoinette and burst block all over her body.

“Liz kept saying, ‘Look at Miranda’s face!’ ” one of the agents said now.

“I kept cloudburst wine for Miranda,” Liz said. “I joked that she was out of her abundance zone, but absolutely it was me — I still accept that evangelical Christian babe in there.”

“I would aloof like to clarify,” Miranda said. “I did not go to a band club. I went to a caricatural performance.”

She went forth with the jokes but at times wondered area all this was going.

More wine, and they talked about addition caricatural appearance based on Disney princesses, alleged Distease, and not connected afterwards that Miranda absitively it was late, and headed home.


When it was Sunday again, she and Liz went hiking.

It had rained the night before, and now they beyond over abounding gullies and collapsed limbs.

They talked about what it meant that Amy Klobuchar’s articulation seemed all-a-quiver in the aftermost Democratic debate. They talked about a abbreviate adventure they’d both read, in which a woman finds out her bedmate has died, feels devastated, afresh agitated as she realizes she is assuredly free, afresh finds out her bedmate absolutely survived, and afresh dies.

“All the affiance of activity afterwards him,” Liz sighed.

“Yeah,” Miranda said, and anon the babble trailed off as Miranda absolved ahead.

They had talked about so abounding things in three years, including some things they’d hardly told anyone else.

Miranda had told Liz that she acquainted she’d never absolutely fit the cast of what a woman was accustomed to be in Augusta. About her centralized agitation over accepting children. About men she anachronous afore Phillip, including an African American man, and how she had gotten discharge on aback they were in public. She had told Liz about the abbot who’d slid his bottom up her brim and afresh warned her to accumulate her aperture shut about it. She had told her about a time afore that, aback she had been sexually assaulted by a man aback she was 8 years old, how she did not appetite to be authentic by that, and how she still absolved beyond parking lots with keys in her anchor like a knife. She’d told Liz how all that had formed into her animosity about the president, and how adamantine it was befitting those animosity to herself aback she was about Phillip, his accompany and his family, and how she wondered if that fabricated her a strong, compassionate woman or an enabler of Trump.

Liz had listened. She had told Miranda about growing up in a austere evangelical Christian home assertive that actuality annihilation added than a binding wife advancement bourgeois ethics would advance to aeon in hell, and how the astriction amid the actuality she was accustomed to be and what she was had fabricated her baleful at one point.

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She had told Miranda about her aboriginal alliance to a bourgeois Christian man with whom she had two kids and “this beautiful little family,” and how it started falling afar aback she began account Dostoyevsky, advancing a teaching career, authoritative altered friends, accepting altered thoughts, and how “this centralized articulation got louder and louder saying, ‘this is not a role I can comedy anymore’ ” until she assuredly got a divorce, afterwards which she acquainted accusable for years.

She had told Miranda about how the acceleration of Trump had affected her not abandoned to analyze her ethics but to alpha cogent them, and what she acquainted that announcement had amount her. Her father, a Trump supporter, wrote her out of his will. Her oldest son, a Trump supporter, larboard Augusta to alive with her ex-husband, a Trump supporter. Her pastor had abhorred her aback she asked to accept a affair about her moral problems with Trump, a bearings that culminated on the Sunday afore the election, aback he all but exhorted the aggregation to vote for Trump. Liz was in the choir then, still activity accusable and abashed in some bend of her old mind, and now she was declared to angle up in advanced of the abbey and sing “God Bless America.” Abandoned aback the music started, she begin herself abashed with anger. She aloft the microphone but instead of singing she looked out at the faces of a few bodies she knew had the aforementioned bond anxiety she did, afresh put the microphone bottomward and absolved out.

She had told Miranda how doubtful this new activity of chastening had already seemed. Her new bedmate was a autonomous from Delaware who took her to afterlife metal concerts. She abutting an Episcopal church. She had become armchair of the canton Democratic Party, gone to the aboriginal Women’s March in Washington, and although she was abiding that this had amount her a teaching arrangement at a clandestine Christian school, she had absitively her abandon was account it.

She told Miranda what she told herself: “I will not alive in abhorrence anymore. I am not activity to be that actuality in the allowance anymore that hides who I am so I don’t accept to be afflictive or bodies about me don’t accept to feel uncomfortable.”

Miranda had listened. She admired Liz’s bravery, alike if she was not abiding whether she capital to chase her archetype into the unknown, and she was cerebration about all this as they hiked added into the pines. They chock-full to bolt their breath.

“Should we accumulate going?” Liz said.


At times, Liz acquainted Miranda was somehow ambuscade from her accurate self. She wondered if she was blame Miranda too far, such as aback she asked her to airing with the Democrats in the canton Christmas parade.

When Miranda declined, Liz absitively to let it go, and on a ablaze afternoon lined up for the array with the abandoned added bodies in the canton who said yes: an African American woman, a affiliated couple, an Indian American man, a retiree from Nebraska, a gay woman, a 12-year-old transgender boy and his abashed ancestor who kept saying, “It’ll be fine, it’ll be aloof fine.”

They captivated up the dejected banderole of the Democratic Party and aback Miss Columbia Canton Fair gave the sign, headed against the cat-and-mouse throngs lining both abandon of a two-mile route.

“Merry Christmas!” Liz began, bouncing to the crowd.

“Booo!” yelled a man in a Santa hat. “Booo!”

“Snowflakes!” yelled a woman in a checkerboard capote abutting to him.

Liz kept bouncing and smiling.

“MAGA! God Bless! Accomplish America abundant again!” yelled a man in a affectation formed with an American flag.

“Bunch of retards,” said a man beneath his breath.

Another aloft his appropriate arm beeline in advanced of him, approach down, fingers stiff.

“Troll! Troll!” yelled a man in a bleed vest.

“Is that a blockhead on your shirt?” said a man cradling a baby, and through it all, Liz kept smiling, and kept waving, and meanwhile, Miranda was home with Phillip.

She was allocation papers; he was alive outside, and it was the affectionate of quiet and anticipated day that gave Phillip the activity of comfort he prized.

“It’s aloof — easy,” was how he declared his accord with Miranda.

They’d been through so abundant calm — her alum school, his new business, the deaths of his parents, austere illnesses, a thousand acceptable times — and of all the things he was abiding of in his life, he was surest of Miranda.

“I apperceive I didn’t ally a acceptable woman,” he said. “She’s not Southern Living. She’s actual career-oriented. She’s not lazy. She’s a worker. She’s a go-getter. I acquaint her all the time, ‘Miranda, you are determined.’ ”

He accustomed her, and he knew she accustomed him, as he had consistently been accustomed as the admired son of parents he admired and never admired to disappoint. He had been a Boy Scout. He had never had a alarm because he never got in trouble. He had never lived anywhere but Columbia County, Ga., except for academy and a abrupt assignment after, which larboard him so out of sorts that he confused aback into his adolescence allowance and adored money until he and Miranda married. He had never affected booze because he didn’t appetite to like it. He had become a man who said of Miranda, “She’s the abandoned babe I anytime kissed.”

“I didn’t apperceive I had any animosity until I met Miranda,” Phillip said.

Besides her, his apple had been a apple of men. He kept the deer active on the barn bank because they reminded him of some of the best times of his activity hunting with his father, his brothers, his accompany and the bonds they formed then. He went to the Sunday men’s accumulation at the Baptist abbey and prayed the prayers of men who admired to be “godly,” by which Phillip meant “honest” and “responsible,” the array of man a acquaintance could alarm if a limb fell on his driveway and he bare advice removing it. He kept accoutrements not aloof because he admired to coursing but because he acquainted that actuality a amenable man meant attention his family, and attention his America from a rogue government if things came to that.

“All it takes is for the amiss guy to get in there,” he said. “I appetite to be in control. I don’t appetite to be defenseless.”

He adopted an America that larboard him alone: one area government was small, gun rights adequate and borders secure, all of which he had acquainted was threatened during the admiral of Barack Obama, and all of which he acquainted was adequate by the acclamation of Donald Trump.

“I feel like I got somebody on my team,” Phillip said. “Someone to attending out for me in the world. I feel I accept addition on my side, allowance me attending out for the assurance of my family.”

He knew that Miranda had some issues with Trump’s behavior.

“She finds Trump sometimes a little atramentous with his personality,” he said. “She does get affectionate of like, ‘I ambition he wouldn’t say that.’ But I’m added of a after-effects guy. I’m not as anxious about his audacious statements as Miranda. I anticipate he’s apparently developed a lot as a man in a acceptable way. I see him as actuality a accommodating man.”

He anticipation about why he and Miranda ability see things differently.

“She tends to run on emotion,” he said. “Not to accomplish a sexist statement, but a lot of women do. I run added on logic. I anticipate that balances us well.”

He was not abashed about Miranda’s worries about Trump, Miranda’s accord with Liz, or whatever they were talking about in the woods.

“As connected as she and Miranda get along, I’m blessed with it,” Phillip said.

And so on addition Sunday, he watched Miranda branch off to backpack with Liz, and he watched her appear home afterwards in the evening, aback he was alfresco beneath a carport, assuming his nephew how to gut a deer carcass.

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“Hey Miranda!” he alleged out to her beyond the yard. “What’s the best allotment of a deer?”

It was dark, and she looked at him for a moment beneath the light.

Things Miranda had never told Phillip:

That she anticipation Trump was racist, and aback he questioned the angary of the aboriginal atramentous president, she anticipation about her atramentous acceptance and how amiss it was to rob them of pride.

That she anticipation Trump was cruel, and aback he mocked a anchorman with disabilities, she acquainted the aforementioned billow of aphotic acerbity she had already acquainted aback a boy alleged her sister a “retard.”

She anticipation Trump was immoral, and aback she heard Christians arresting him, she capital to say, “How? How do we adoration the aforementioned God? There are so abounding things that we as animal beings should not condone, should not excuse.”

She had told Phillip about actuality sexually assaulted by a man aback she was 8 years old, but she had not told him that aback she heard Trump boasting about how he could kiss women “without alike asking” and “grab them by the p---y,” he had reminded her of the man who had affective her aback she was walking to school, and the activity of easily banishment themselves on her, and the activity of disturbing to breach free, and the activity of active for her life, and of “exactly that fear, that helplessness,” and that aback Trump got elected, she acquainted none of that mattering.

She had not told Phillip that aback she saw Trump animated on a awning in her active room, she acquainted physically ill. That she begin him “revolting” and “vulgar.” That Trump was the adverse of aggregate she had consistently believed her bedmate to be: decent, honorable, Christian, the array of man who would acquisition Trump offensive.

She had not told Phillip what she capital from him: “I appetite to apprehend him say, ‘The way he talks about women is not okay. The way he talks, period, is not okay.’ ”

She had not told him what she capital to say to him and all Southern men who believed in some benevolent ideal: “I charge you to angle up for me.”

She had not told him any of those things because she was abashed to apprehend what he ability say back, and what that ability reveal, so aback Phillip asked about the deer, she answered as the woman he knew her to be.

“The backstrap!” she yelled beyond the yard.


“I acquaint you, it was awfully altered from the Christmas parade,” Liz was saying. She and Miranda were accepting dinner, and Liz had aloof gotten aback from walking in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day array in city Augusta.

“I anticipate we were the abandoned white bodies there,” she continued. “People were shouting ‘Democrats, woo!’ A woman yelled ‘Dump Trump!’ and I’m like, ‘Get that man out of the White House! Woo!’ ”

“Really?” Miranda said.

“Yeah,” said Liz. “I’m cogent you, it was great. This woman was like, ‘I adulation your shoes! You attending so beautiful out actuality today!’ I’m cogent you, I was beloved.”

“That’s funny,” Miranda said.

“Yes, I was admired for my politics,” said Liz, and as their banquet went on, they drank sangria and talked about assignment and books, and Miranda told a adventure about her grunge music period, acknowledging Liz’s appearance of her as a closet rebel. They talked about how Liz consistently positioned her buzz aback she met with parents, so they wouldn’t see her Ruth Bader Ginsburg sticker, and about the best contempo Democratic agitation and the applicant Miranda would vote for — Warren, probably; Buttigieg, definitely; Sanders, maybe; Klobuchar, interesting; Biden, abiding — and they connected talking, appearing in accord about all of it, appropriate up until Miranda began demography affair with a candidate’s position on gun control, which addled her as too extreme, and as she continued, she noticed Liz’s face changing.

She chock-full herself.

“I’m not authoritative you mad, am I?” Miranda asked.

There was a pause.

“No,” Liz said. “You’ll never accomplish me mad.”

Later, on her way home, Miranda was still cerebration about the pause.

It was dark, and she anesthetized the abandoned parking lots of band malls, the neon signs of alternation restaurants and the quiet of so abounding subdivisions on a Sunday night in a abode area there were so abounding expectations of a woman like her.

Maybe Liz was mad at her, she thought. Maybe Liz anticipation she wasn’t absolved enough, or adventurous enough. Maybe she was disappointed.

And what about Phillip? If she assuredly told him what she anticipation about Trump, maybe he would feel she was anticipation him. Maybe he would adjudicator her. Maybe he would anticipate she was “crazy” and “off the abysmal end.” Maybe he would not accept at all, and afresh what?

She looked out the window at a abode that had acquainted so accustomed for so long, and which now looked so different, so accepting of animality and racism and vulgarity. She exited the artery and collection forth the two-lane, a white, Southern, burghal woman who was not accepting of that. She was absent to Trump, absent to a Republican Party still all-embracing him, and for the aboriginal time in her life, she was cerebration not about what was accustomed of her, but what she accustomed of herself.

The close thoughts of Miranda Murphey about Miranda Murphey:

“I attempt with this,” she said.

She anesthetized the accustomed fields, and the abbey lit up in the dark, and anon she was axis assimilate the connected alluvium driveway.

“So,” she said, not finishing.

She pulled up the little acropolis and glanced at the yard.

“One truck, two trucks,” she counted.

A ablaze was on upstairs.

“Phillip’s home,” she said.

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