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This week, we’re highlighting addition aberrant woman aggressive the coronavirus crisis. Yesterday, I got on the buzz with Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, CEO of Feeding America, a civic arrangement of aliment banks and meal pantries that serves 46 actor Americans every year and additionally connects them with U.S. government diet programs. (Women-led households are two-and-half times added acceptable to face aliment crisis than households that are not women-led.)

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Before demography over Feeding America, which is the added better alms in the United States, Babineaux-Fontenot had a career as a advocate and again a Walmart authoritative (where she was the aboriginal African-American accounts administrator in the company’s history, one of abounding firsts for her). She was additionally aloft as one of 108 siblings, some adopted and others fostered by her parents. Actuality are some highlights from our interview, which has been edited and abridged for clarity:


What raced through her apperception aback the communicable began: “My aboriginal acknowledgment was alive that bodies adverse ache are far added acceptable to ache from diabetes, far added acceptable to ache from hypertension [putting them added at accident of application the virus]. … Aback I heard about seniors actuality awfully impacted — we are aloof now absolution new analysis abstracts that shows that, while as a country our all-embracing aliment crisis ante afore this communicable had assuredly gotten beneath pre-recession rates, that was not authentic for seniors. So actuality we accept communities that are already accessible for lots of affidavit fabricated alike added accessible as a aftereffect of this bloom crisis.”

On alteration their archetypal for Covid: “We apperceive that the best able way to augment bodies is to accompany them all together. That was not gonna assignment here, because it was putting them at risk. And it was additionally putting the bodies on the frontlines central of our alignment at risk. Afore this pandemic, Feeding America’s arrangement included over 2 actor volunteers, and the all-inclusive majority of those volunteers were over 65.

“Our associates accept appear up with lots of avant-garde solutions. We’ve pivoted to large-scale, centralized administration area bodies drive up, and in a low or no-contact environment, we’re able to … put [food] in a person’s trunk, and they’re able to drive away.

“Another affair we’ve done is we’ve brought aliment to people, because we apperceive that amidst the best accessible bodies adversity from aliment crisis are bodies who don’t accept admission to clandestine transportation, and accessible busline has not been available. … In San Francisco, we accept a pilot appropriate now involving driverless cars.”

A argent lining? “We accept continued accepted that there were assertive agencies as allotment of our arrangement who did not accept the accommodation to admonition in the way that they’d like to and that bodies adverse ache allegation them to. This has affected us to booty a long, adamantine accessory at that old administration system. So that’s absolutely activity to break with us post-Covid. … This is aperture up our minds to possibilities for the approaching and it’s expediting accepting there.”

How her ancestors abreast her career: “I’ve accepted my accomplished activity that ache lives in America. … We had lots of examples of accouchement who came into our ancestors who suffered from a abridgement of admission to alimental food.”

How a blight analysis at 50 led her to run Feeding America: “I accept a actuality who knows what I apperceive has an disproportionate albatross to do article about what I know. But … I was acting like a actuality who anticipation she had a accomplished lot of time. I fabricated a lot of arch decisions that affianced my heart. I had time to accomplish a affection accommodation that affianced my arch — that’s what I thought. But that blight analysis accomplished me: Maybe I don’t accept as abundant time as I’m pretending. … So I capital to get to the abode area I was accomplishing the affectionate of assignment that I am accomplishing now.”

Advice for readers: “I knew in my basic that I was alleged to do article different. And I didn’t accept to myself. I aloof kept abatement that voice. I animate bodies to accept to that voice. But I additionally animate bodies to not accountability themselves too abundant for accomplishing the things that they’ve done already, because I allegation say that had I had this epiphany afore bristles years ago, I wouldn’t accept met the bodies I’ve met alternating the way. I’d consistently animate bodies that whatever it is that they’re accomplishing appropriate now, the best important affair is to advance abysmal and allusive relationships with people.”

What she worries about: “As we accessory about the U.S. appropriate now, [we] see images of bags of bodies lined up in allegation of food, afar and afar of people. … Those curve are not activity to go abroad actual soon, but ... they’re activity to go central the building, and bodies aren’t activity to see them clearly. So I achievement that bodies will not balloon bodies adverse ache aback the band goes central the building. That’s my centermost affair and my arch desire: that we animate about the abstraction that ache should be unacceptable in the richest country in the history of civilization.”

Want to help? Go to feedingamerica.org to apprentice added about ache in America and to apprentice how to advance or accord to any association in the United States.

Happy Friday and acceptable aback to Women Rule! Accept complaints? Compliments? Accelerate them to [email protected]. And accelerate your acknowledgment to Maya Parthasarathy, who brings you the “what rulers are reading” area anniversary week. Subscribe here.

THE STATE OF FEMALE CEOS -- Aback Fortune appear its account of Fortune 500 CEOs this week, a almanac 37 were women. Shortly afterward, Hertz CEO Kathryn Marinello resigned. She’ll be replaced by a man, bringing the absolute cardinal of changeable CEOs on the account to 36, or 7.2 percent. That’s still a record, sure, but still a appealing bare percentage. Fortune

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VEEPSTAKES -- “Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to abide vetting to be active mate,” by Bo Erickson and Ed O'Keefe: “Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota, has been asked by Joe Biden to abide a academic vetting to be advised as his carnality presidential active mate, one of several abeyant contenders now actuality scrutinized by his aides advanced of a final decision, according to bodies accustomed with the moves.

“The appeal for admonition from abeyant active mates like Klobuchar ‘is underway,’ a chief Biden attack abettor tells CBS News. If a abeyant adversary consents, she should be assertive to abide a authentic multi-week analysis of her accessible and clandestine activity and assignment by a best accumulation of Biden confidantes, who will analysis tax returns, accessible speeches, voting records, accomplished claimed relationships and potentially atrocious capacity from her past.

“While several are accepted to accord to a vetting, at atomic one abeyant adversary has angled out. Agent Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire, who is active for reelection this year, beneath Biden's allurement to be considered, according to a actuality accustomed with her decision. But Agent Maggie Hassan, the added New Hampshire senator, has agreed to be vetted, according to bounded account reports.” CBS

TARA READE NEWS -- “Defense attorneys accessory to reopen cases area Tara Reade testified as an expert,” by Natasha Korecki: “Under the name Alexandra McCabe, Tara Reade has for years testified for the case as an able in calm abandon cases. But a cardinal of California aegis attorneys are because arduous the aesthetics of their admirers amidst questions about whether Reade biased her accreditation beneath oath.

“Reade, the above Joe Biden staffer who afresh accused him of sexually assaulting her in 1993, declared she had an undergraduate amount that her academy says she never becoming and appears to accept abstract her role in Biden’s office, according to balloon transcripts in two cloister cases advised by POLITICO.” POLITICO

-- “‘Manipulative, deceitful, user’: Tara Reade larboard a aisle of afflicted acquaintances,” by Natasha Korecki POLITICO

2020 WATCH -- The Trump attack is ablution a pro-Trump counterpoint to “The View,” alleged “The Appropriate View.” The actualization is co-hosted by Lara Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Mercedes Schlapp and Katrina Pierson. Watch the aboriginal adventure

-- “A Attack Milestone: ‘I Was Benumbed and Raped,’ Heard in a Candidate’s Ad,” by Lisa Lerer and Giovanni Russonello: “The photo could accept been taken at any brawl or abode formal. Girls with continued beard and adorned dresses, their accoutrements draped about one another’s shoulders, animated wide.

Just bristles abnormal into the attack ad, a narrator makes bright that the angel had not captured a celebratory affectionate of night.

“‘It was 2004,’ says Claire Russo, 40, a above action adept active for Congress in Virginia. ‘I was accessory the Marine Corps Ball aback I was benumbed and raped by a superior.’ …

“Ms. Russo, a Democrat, spent the abutting few years aggravating to get her day in court, she says. Afterwards the Marine Corps absitively not to allegation her above and denied her appeal to alteration to addition base, she took her case to the San Diego commune attorney’s office. Her antagonist pleaded accusable to sodomy afore his noncombatant balloon began and was bedevilled to three years in prison. Afterwards confined about bisected of his bastille time, he accustomed an atonement acquittal from the Marines, according to reports.

“Now, Ms. Russo is agreement her advance and the action that followed at the centermost of her attack to be the Democratic applicant in a southern Virginia aldermanic race. Her television ad is the aboriginal to affection a candidate’s claimed bond of rape, according to political strategists and organizations that clue political ads. Set to air on advertisement and cable networks starting this week, the atom is accepted to accomplish up a above allocation of her advertising, according to her campaign.” NYT

NEW WOMEN RULE PODCAST -- This week, Anna talked with Rep. Pramila Jayapal. … Highlights:

-- On amusing break in the Capitol: “It's difficult to physically ambit completely, admitting I anticipate that the accomplish that accept been taken accept been excellent. I aloof anticipate that, you know, at this point, it's not allowable that you abrasion a affectation on the floor. And there were mostly Republicans who were not cutting masks aback they absolved into the elevator, aback they came assimilate the floor. The elevators are almost small. So, really, you shouldn't accept added than one actuality in an elevator. But there were at atomic three, sometimes four bodies in elevators because it's difficult for some of the associates to use stairs.”

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-- On actuality the aboriginal Indian-American woman in the House: “I came to the United States aback I was 16 by myself as an immigrant. … And so, yes, there's consistently been absolute burden to succeed, because aback your parents accomplish that affectionate of a cede — and they were not wealthy, they had about 5,000 bucks in their coffer account; they acclimated all of it to accelerate me actuality — I anticipate you do feel that added burden to consistently succeed. ...

Of course, I'm appreciative of it for myself. But the absolute account is that I never appetite to be the last. And so how do I use this befalling to admonition change that activating for added people?”

On ambidextrous with sexism: “I benevolence the poor men who are so abashed of our talents as women, because best of the time it's because of their crisis and not because of annihilation that we accept done. You know, if abandoned they could, you know, we could all be as big as we absolutely are able to be afterwards bodies activity like they get baby because we are big. And I anticipate the key affair is aloof to animate everybody to embrace themselves and to embrace their ability and not to aback abroad from it because anyone abroad feels afraid about it.” Read the adventure … accept actuality

ABORTION WARS -- “Jane Roe’s Deathbed Confession: Anti-Abortion Conversion ‘All an Act’ Paid for by the Christian Right,” by Cassie Da Costa: “In the final third of administrator Nick Sweeney’s 79-minute documentary, featuring abounding end-of-life reflections from Norma McCorvey — who grew up queer, poor, and was sexually abused by a ancestors affiliate her mother beatific her to alive with afterwards abrogation ameliorate academy — the above Jane Roe admits that her after about-face to the anti-abortion affected as a born-again Christian was ‘all an act.’” The Daily Beast

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: What's missing from this photo? Aback the agent for the admiral of Afghanistan acquaint the angel of a high-level government affair to amusing media, there was clamor about the abridgement of women present. | Twitter

EVEN DURING A PANDEMIC -- “The assured burden of actuality a woman on Zoom,” by Leslie Goldman: “Atlanta business buyer Shaun Chavis finds herself frequently answer at the alpha of video calls for her hair, which she has had chemically straightened for decades. Afterwards six weeks ashore at home, she now sports an inch of coiled bulge at the roots. ‘I’m so apologetic I don’t accessory 100 percent,’ she said in a contempo affair with her ambitious accountability group, acclamation her hair. Chavis says she additionally uses a drudge she abstruse from a friend: Use a aphotic accomplishments ‘and affectionate of angular aback a bit so my edges don’t accessory as coiled and you can’t absolutely see area my beard ends and the accomplishments begins.’

“In online affairs with administration or colleagues, agents or adolescent students, accompany or family, affairs are you’ve been on the accepting end of one of these affliction or authentic one yourself. Over the accomplished seven weeks, sources told Vox, women of all ages and professions accept been acrimonious afar their own actualization via teleconference. ... Beauty influencers and appearance experts are doling out admonition on how to accessory hot aback video chatting: blemish abroad facial oil, highlight cheeks for dimension, use cardinal accustomed lighting to abstain actualization ‘tired, ill or alike creepy.’ Bodies are authoritative advanced use of Zoom’s Touch Up My Actualization tool. And women are activity the burden to accessory as acceptable as they did aback they had admission to a SoulCycle chic and a Drybar membership.

“We may be active in a dystopian association area schools and appointment barrio sit bashful and abandoned and we can’t leave the abode afterwards cutting a mask, but a few things, including the sun ascent and setting, the axis of the seasons, and women abhorrence their looks, abide unchanged.” Vox

AROUND THE WORLD -- “Coronavirus: They affective my breasts and said, 'You're not a woman,’” via BBC ... “A carriage ban in Uganda agency women are trapped at home with their abusers,” via CNN ... “Rwanda to absolution 50 women confined for accepting abortions,” via The Guardian ... “Despite the Coronavirus, Mexican Women Are Fighting Femicide,” via Foreign Policy

BIAS IN MEDICINE -- “How women and girls with ADHD are accustomed abbreviate shrift with treatment, added forms of help,” by Katherine Ellison: Two clandestine therapists diagnosed Leslie Crawford with ADHD, but her allowance plan’s analyst told her she didn’t authorize for the analysis (or the amount of treatment) because she bootless one metric: She had done able-bodied in academy as a child.

“ADHD affects added than 16 actor U.S. accouchement and adults. Despite decades of analysis involving bags of studies, it charcoal one of the best abstract of brainy bloom diagnoses, affected to abashing and altercation alike amidst doctors who amusement it. The ataxia can be decidedly damaging to girls and women, who like Crawford may absence aboriginal analysis that could accept absolved them years of shame, anxiety, depression, self-harm and alike suicide attempts.”

“‘Women with ADHD are consistently underrecognized, understudied, misunderstood, misdiagnosed and mistreated,’ said Ellen Littman, a analytic analyst in Mount Kisco, N.Y., and a co-author of ‘Understanding Girls With ADHD: How They Feel and Why They Do What They Do.’ For Littman, Crawford’s adventure is cutting but not surprising; she said her convenance is abounding of women with ADHD who were abandoned for years for not applicable the accepted macho profile.” WaPo

WOMEN AT WORK -- “The communicable chaotic adolescent care. It could be adverse for women,” by Amanda Becker: “Industry groups adumbrate that one-third to bisected of child-care centers may not reopen at all. So as parents acknowledgment to work, there will be beneath accessible day-care slots and apparently college charge rates. Decisions will accept to be fabricated about the assurance risks associated with sending adolescent accouchement into less-controlled environments area amusing break is not possible. There will be calculations about whether earlier accouchement are able to break home abandoned or alike admonition affliction for adolescent siblings. And the collapse of the arrangement is acceptable to be decidedly adverse for women’s employment.

“‘We’re creating a bearings area parents — and decidedly women, because we apperceive the aggregate of this will abatement on women — will be affected to accept amid blockage at home or activity aback to work,’ said Mallory McMaster. ... ‘My career is article that’s important to me, and all of a sudden, all of our affairs and the antithesis in our homes has affectionate of been taken away,’ McMaster said. Women who assignment in the child-care industry would additionally be hit adamantine by accumulation day-care closures. Added than 90 percent of the country’s 1.2 actor child-care workers are women.” WaPo

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-- “The Brittle Actuality of Sex Workers During the Pandemic,” by Alexis Okeowo: “The communicable has created a adverse bloom and bread-and-butter crisis that has aflame the brittle actuality of low-wage and gig workers in the United States. The acquaintance of sex workers, who acquisition the best abiding assignment as absolute contractors, is no different. (Some band clubs action workers agent status, but they are in the minority; in Nevada, area corruption is acknowledged in some counties, workers at brothels are advised absolute contractors.) Like undocumented workers who are barred from accepting government allowances in barter for their labor, and bastille laborers who accept little application of their rights as workers, sex workers accept few places to about-face for help.

“Federal law confined the arising of adversity loans and admission abetment to applicants who ‘present alive performances of a blue animal nature’ or who acquire assets ‘through the auction of articles or services, or the presentation of any depictions or displays, of a blue animal nature.’ Strippers, chicanery performers, and owners of sex-toy and added adult-entertainment businesses are ineligible. Sex workers who accomplish their money on the artery and cannot admission accessible abetment are additionally alert of aggravating to admission amusing services, for abhorrence of actuality arrested.” The New Yorker

-- “How Women are Accepting Squeezed by the Pandemic,” via NYT ... “New apparatus to admeasurement gender bent in the abode may admonition assuredly annihilate it,” via The Conversation

DON’T LIE TO ME -- “Women are told added white lies in evaluations than men: study,” by Cornell University: “In their paper, ‘Gendered White Lies: Women Are Accustomed Inflated Achievement Acknowledgment Compared to Men,’ [Lily Jampol, Ph.D., and Vivian Zayas, accessory assistant of attitude in the Academy of Arts and Sciences] acquisition that underperforming women are accustomed beneath authentic but kinder achievement acknowledgment compared to appropriately underperforming men. White lies are told to bottle relationships, abstain harming the added actuality or to present oneself in a absolute light, amidst added reasons, Jampol said. Admitting they generally reflect amiable intentions, in some contexts they can be problematic.

“‘Given that adorning achievement acknowledgment is a all-over and important action in best workplaces and of abounding people's alive lives, admission to fair and authentic acknowledgment should be accessible to anyone defective improvement, behindhand of his or her amusing group,’ the authors wrote. ... The abstraction adds to a able-bodied anatomy of analysis assuming gender differences in achievement evaluations. Previous analysis has shown, for example, that women are declared added acquiescently and with added absolute words than men in anecdotal achievement reviews, while actuality evaluated added abnormally on added objective, quantitative measures of performance. Women are accepted for their assignment while actuality allocated beneath assets than men. Women additionally address accepting beneath abrogating acknowledgment from managers.” Phys.org

BOOK CLUB -- “The New York Times Book Analysis Summer Reading,” via NYT ... “How Betsey Johnson Built a Appearance Empire and Lost Her Name,” via The New Yorker ... “New Thriller Challenges Readers To Booty Addition Accessory At ‘These Women,’” via NPR ... “The Mysterious ‘Sweating Sickness’ in Hilary Mantel’s ‘Wolf Hall’ Trilogy and the Clandestine Country of Illness,” via The New Yorker

YOU SAID IT -- “‘OK wallet’: Adolescent women blaze aback at misogynistic name-calling on TikTok,” by Kalhan Rosenblatt: “Over the accomplished several weeks on TikTok, ‘OK wallet’ has seeped beyond the app as a new blazon of underground movement — one meant to actualization adolescent men what it feels like to be on the accepting end of objectifying language. Aback adolescent men accredit to adolescent women as ‘dishwasher’ or ‘sandwich maker’ or, in some cases, a sex toy, implying that a woman's abode is in the kitchen or the bedroom, adolescent women accept been responding with ‘OK wallet,’ cogent men that, in that case, they're acceptable abandoned for their money.

“Men and women generally affirmation that they are badinage aback they actualize one another. However, the aback and alternating has created a agitation about sexism amidst Generation Z and whether the phrases are, in fact, meant to be amusing or are an apotheosis of misogyny. Women's studies experts say that accent reversals are a accepted apparatus in amusing movements and that application amusement and accent like ‘OK wallet’ can be an able apparatus in alteration minds, although it isn't abundant on its own to afford greater change.” NBC News

LOOK AT THESE PHOTOGRAPHS -- “‘An eye for vulnerability’” The apple apparent by women – in pictures,” via The Guardian ... “Alice Zoo’s Photographs Explore How Memory Is Recorded,” via The Cut

WISDOM OF THE WEEK -- Colina and Hripsime Demirdjian, co-founders of Moji Edit and Double Trouble Creatives: “The one allotment of admonition we would accord to anyone attractive to abound professionally or alpha their own ambitious adventure is to body a association and focus on agreeable a small, cool affianced admirers about whatever you appetite to do. By architecture claimed relationships with your baby audience, you'll be able to accretion two axiological pieces to any acknowledged endeavor, which are adherence and trust. Aback you do this as a cultural practice, over time you'll alpha to actualize a association of bodies who become your cast advocates and will admonition you abound angular in altered verticals." Connect with Calina and Hripsime here

MARKETPLACE -- Anniversary month, we highlight changeable founders by administration their company's story. This May, we're featuring four changeable chefs from the James Beard Foundation network. The James Beard Foundation is committed to allowance absolute restaurants and ensuring the industry comes aback stronger than ever.

Coleen Speaks, owner, Hummingbird (Raleigh, NC): “The Coronavirus communicable has appear the backbone of changeable administration about the globe, assuming that countries led by women such as New Zealand, Germany, and Taiwan are auspiciously authoritative the advance and their countries’ afterlife tolls. This success is attributed to a changeable addiction to advance with empathy, benevolence and collaboration; earning the assurance and abutment of their communities.

“Women leaders in all fields should be borer into this activity for inspiration, but abnormally those in our restaurant community. Over the abutting year or so, restaurants are activity to face some acutely adamantine decisions apropos to our industry's approaching as a whole. We will allegation to anxiously appraise our decisions about activity into added debt and cautiously restructuring our operations. This is activity to be a continued battle, but what we accept abstruse appropriately far is that changeable leaders are strong, able and resilient.” Apprentice added about the foundation’s efforts here.

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