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With the coronavirus communicable abandoning contest and dabbling tours, 2020 is not the year any artisan envisioned having. But K-pop babe accumulation TWICE is still rising.

In the bristles years aback the band's debut, K-pop has taken off globally, forth with the girls' own acclaim and sugary, feel-good music. They've fabricated history at home and abroad; in South Korea aftermost April, TWICE became the highest-selling babe accumulation of all time, and globally, their anthology TWICETAGRAM ailing at #1 on the Billboard World Albums blueprint in 2017. Their music has steadily charted since, with "Feel Special" hitting the #1 song on the World Digital Song Sales blueprint aftermost October.

Last week, their newest music video, "MORE & MORE," got over 73 actor angle in six days. It alone on June 1, the aforementioned day the accumulation appear their bubbly, made-for-summer EP MORE & MORE.

TWICE associates Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, Nayeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, and Dahyun accept the acceptation of bringing K-pop to a all-around admirers alongside bands like BLACKPINK, BTS, and Red Velvet. "It feels abundant [to represent the brand abroad]!" Sana told ELLE.com. "There are so abounding amazing K-pop artists who accept helped pave the way for this genre. I’m beholden to the admirers for all-embracing K-pop internationally."

Jihyo added, "I am actual appreciative to represent K-pop. It’s agitative to apprehend how the admirers adore watching our choreography and seeing our apparel onstage and makeup."

They additionally accept big affairs for the future—including hopes to see their ONCE admirers on a bout of the U.S. aback it's safe. (ONCE is TWICE's official fandom name). Ahead of MORE & MORE's release, ELLE.com did an e-mail account with the girls about their songwriting process, what they achievement to achieve in the U.S. music scene, and what they've abstruse about accord as they alive calm through their backward adolescence and aboriginal 20s. They additionally offered their go-to apprehension ball picks.

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Nayeon: I absolutely enjoyed alive on “Make Me Go!” I feel added adequate anniversary time I sit bottomward to write, but I'm bent to get bigger and better.

Jeongyeon: I'm actual aflame that “Sweet Summer Day” is on the album. It’s the complete summer song, and I anticipate the admirers will adore it. I’ve consistently listened to a advanced array of music, and I apperceive that shows through my songwriting evolution. If I accept the chance, I would like to address an emotional, sad ballad.

Chaeyoung: “Sweet Summer Day” agency a lot to me because the lyrics are all about cogent our thoughts and acceptance them to flash through. I adore autograph rap verses. The autograph has consistently appear accustomed to me.

Nayeon: I am actual appreciative of the song “MORE & MORE.” It’s a abundant adulation song and has absolutely fun choreography attached.

Jeongyeon: This anthology agency a lot to me in accepted because Mina is activity better, and all nine of us are aback together. Our appellation clue “MORE & MORE” is my admired because the ball absorbed to it is actual fun and article we're all appreciative of.

Momo: I adulation every song off this album, but abnormally “MORE & MORE” because so abundant alertness went into perfecting this song. Out of all our TWICE songs in general, I absolutely like “TT.” It’s absolutely fun to achieve with fans.

Sana: We haven’t appear an anthology aback Feel Appropriate nine months ago, so this absolution agency a lot to us. I’m aflame to appearance our admirers the new dances, and I adulation the song “MORE & MORE.” Looking at all our songs, I am proudest of “Feel Special” because it reflects the adventure of TWICE’s accord with ONCE.

Jihyo: I’m appreciative in accepted of this anthology aback it’s been a while aback all nine of us accept been together. I am aflame to achieve the new music for ONCE.

Mina: I am actual appreciative of “MORE & MORE.” The choreography was not accessible to learn, but we all formed absolutely adamantine to bethink it, and the teamwork agency a lot.

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Dahyun: I’m so appreciative of our new clue “MORE & MORE” because we accept invested so abundant time and activity in authoritative this anthology special.

Chaeyoung: I am actual appreciative of both “MORE & MORE” and “FIREWORK.” “FIREWORK” is a actual fun song, and was additionally a acceptable claiming for us to dip into the Latin genre.

Tzuyu: I am actual appreciative of our song “SHADOW.” I feel like this song reflects us as a accumulation able-bodied and is altered than our antecedent songs. Also, I am absolutely appreciative of “CHEER UP” because it makes me feel activated and is actual fun to perform.

Nayeon: It's important to account anniversary added first. We all alive together, and accept accomplished how important it is to apprehend anniversary added out and be there for one another.

Jeongyeon: We accept all become family. I cannot alive after them! They beggarly so abundant to me, and we all accept abundant activity together. I accept abstruse so much, but abnormally how the amount of auspicious one addition can go such a continued way.

Momo: I abstruse that we are all bigger together. It’s important to angular on anniversary added through the acceptable and bad times.

Sana: I abstruse how important it is to animate anniversary other. We all accent actual accommodating of one another.

Jihyo: I accept abstruse that our friendships beggarly a lot to all of us. It was adamantine to alive calm at first, but now we apprentice from anniversary added and are such acceptable friends.

Mina: I accept abstruse that apropos anniversary added is important. Aback we confused in, I bethink overhearing a affiliate saying, “Let’s do this together.” That absolutely ashore with me because we're all so abutting now and adore accomplishing aggregate together.

Dahyun: I abstruse that we accept the best activity aback all nine of us are together. The best admonition I was accustomed was to adore the time calm and acquisition beatitude through these stages of our lives.

Chaeyoung: We accept all became family. It was difficult to move in calm at first, but now we're able to booty turns giving admonition and angular on anniversary other.

Tzuyu: I accept abstruse how important it is to amount everyone’s opinions. The best admonition I accept been accustomed to cross acclaim is to focus on the complete things and what makes me feel encouraged.

Nayeon: We convenance really, absolutely hard. It’s important for us to all be accumbent with the aforementioned activity on stage.

Tzuyu: We are practicing the songs and choreography every day. Also, I accept begin that spending time absorption on myself has helped me adapt as well.

Jeongyeon: My specific ambition is for TWICE is to biking beyond the U.S. together, assuming for admirers in every state. That would be a dream!

Momo: My complete dream ambition is to ball with Beyoncé on stage. Also, Chaeyoung afresh showed me Justin Bieber’s TikTok, and now I achievement to one day shoot a TikTok with him. He’s so acceptable at dancing!

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Sana: We’d adulation to coact with Ariana Grande or Doja Cat!

Mina: We aren’t abiding what the blow of the year will attending like, but I do achievement to bout beyond the U.S. soon. I absolutely appetite to appointment Texas!

Dahyun: We don’t accept a agenda for the blow of the year yet, but I absolutely enjoyed visiting so abounding countries on bout aftermost year. It was actual exciting, and I was so blessed and beholden to appointment all the places we were able to. I can’t delay to see ONCE again!

Dahyun: I would call my appearance as adequate and casual. On bout and on accident days, we usually abrasion adorned outfits, so in accustomed life, I adopt cutting adequate clothes.

Chaeyoung: I would call my looks as “Chaeyoung style.” I aloof abrasion clothes I anticipate brace able-bodied calm and attending acceptable on me.

Nayeon: My admired so far has been “What is Love?” because we had so abundant fun calm filming it, and the apparel were awesome.

Jeongyeon: I absolutely like “Dance The Night Away.” I adore the summer vibes, and we all accept acceptable memories cutting the video in Okinawa.

Momo: Agree with Jeongyeon. My admired video is “Dance The Night Away” too. The choreography is actual addictive and accessible to follow. It’s a absolutely fun song to ball to.

Sana: I absolutely like our video for “What is Love?” It was fun to do a apology of movies, and I abnormally admired cutting the arena from Ghost with Jeongyeon. Actual fun!

Jihyo: I absolutely admired cutting “Dance The Night Away,” because we had so abundant fun calm on set!

Mina: My admired is video is “What is Love?” I adulation the arena I attempt with Dahyun [parodying 1980 French ball La Boum]. It was so fun to see her act.

Dahyun: My admired is “What is Love?” as well. All nine of us had a fun time cutting altered cine concepts. It was agitative to see every arena altered in the music video.

Chaeyoung: I absolutely like our video for “What is Love?" I played the roles of Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, and Matilda. It was fun to act as three altered bodies at one time.

Tzuyu: I alone like our “TT” music video because I acquainted like we were in a bogie tale.

Nayeon: I like my atramentous beard and anticipate it apparel me best.

Jeongyeon: I like to agreement with altered colors but like the achromatic attending best. I like my beard on the lighter side.

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Momo: I like to be blonder, and I apperceive ONCE brand my beard lighter too.

Sana: I’ve admired to agreement with my beard actuality pink, orange, and blonde—but overall, I accept albino because it's accessible to change colors aback that's your abject color.

Jihyo: Personally, I like myself with aphotic and abbreviate hair. It feels actual me!

Mina: I’ve approved altered colors and looks, but I like my beard atramentous best.

Dahyun: I accept experimented a lot, but I like my dejected beard appropriate now. It’s so fun!

Chaeyoung: I don’t accept a favorite! I like all the altered beard styles and colors that I've tried.

Tzuyu: I like my beard blush aback it is “wine-brown.” I anticipate it fits best.

Nayeon: To be honest, I absolutely adore watching our YouTube absoluteness show, TIME TO TWICE (TTT). It’s fun to see how far the nine of us accept come.

Jeongyeon: I like to apprehend a lot of books and poems. Even admitting balladry are short, I adore the affections that appear with them.

Momo: I like to watch the TV shows, “The World of the Married” and “Hangout with Yoo” with the members.

Sana: I adore alert to music. Appropriate now, I like “Stuck with U” by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber. I accept to the song every night!

Jihyo: I watch Netflix a lot these days. I aloof started “Vikings” and am hooked.

Mina: I watch a lot of YouTube. I can watch videos all day, every day.

Dahyun: I like the ball appearance “Running Man.”

Chaeyoung: I like to about-face off amid TV and YouTube videos and alert to music.

Tzuyu: I am watching a lot of TV and YouTube videos during quarantine!

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Twice's EP MORE & MORE is out now and accessible for alive on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

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